Go big or go tiny?

I love the saying- “Go big or go home”.

To me, that means:

  • Go for it.

  • Take a chance.

  • Get out of your comfort zone.

  • Break patterns.

  • Try something new.

I’m not really talking about that here though.

In design, I feel that sometimes taking an image and making really big does something. It’s not normal, which makes it look amazing. I feel that going extra tiny can have the same affect.

Try both and see what looks good. See what feels like it works. And I do mean feel, which may sound strange but why do we buy something....because of the way it makes us feel. So remember to pay attention to how the art or whatever you are creating makes you feel.

Experimenting with going big or tiny is good to do when you feel stuck. I have done this many times and it really helps.

Never be afraid to try something new!

Be more playful,



A dream come true!


Creating a pattern.