Creating a pattern.

How do you create patterned “paper” or “fabric”?

They really are one and the same. Find images that have the same “feel”. Do you understand? Maybe all of them are watercolor, black and white illustrated etc. Once you start to pay attention to how the image is drawn/illustrated etc. you will get the hang of combining similar images together.

I will try to find as many as possible within the same section or the same designer/contributor on Canva. That way, when you go create your background, it will look like it all goes together with intention.

When you think you might be done but maybe there is a gap here or there, fill in those spaces with smaller ones.

When I am finished, I will download the images without a background. That way I can change the background and create many different finished “paper” for a project.

Now to create patterned “paper” or “fabric”, be sure to go off the page with the pattern. It will give the impression that you have cut it out of a larger piece.

I hope that helps! If you need further instructions or more detailed instructions, let me know and I will create a video.

Be more playful and get creative!



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