What’s your passion?

What are you passionate about?

My passion is designing. I love putting together colors and patterns and creating a collection of items that maybe you wouldn’t initially put together.

It all started as a young teen looking at Vogue, I loved all the clothes and crazy fashion. I was fascinated with the outfits and would try to put together outfits with the clothes I had.

Fast forward to adulthood, I began designing greeting cards and scrapbooking. Then I went on to decorating friends homes and giving fashion advice too.

Put all that together and here we are. Taking my passion of colors and patterns, scrapbooking and decorating has transformed into designing items for the home. It truly is amazing seeing a pattern you have created and putting onto a pillow or a bag.

So how do you figure out what you are passionate about if you aren’t sure? Look back at your past. What hobbies do you do? What are you drawn to? What do you do in your spare time? Write it all down and see if you can find a pattern. Your passion is waiting for you to discover it!

Be more playful!



Creating a pattern.